The Good Shepherd and His Church

The Good Shepherd and His Church with David Beauchamp, Heritage of Truth,

The Good Shepherd and His Church

Our 500th Video!

with Dr. David Beauchamp

The Good Shepherd and His church highlight this final video in a series from an interview with Dr. David Beauchamp. He compares God’s discipline and loving care with the way a shepherd disciplines and cares for a wayward lamb.

In this video our guest also offers tips for finding a good Bible-preaching church.

Dr. Beauchamp is the Senior Pastor at Crescent Beach Baptist Church in St. Augustine, Florida. You can hear his streamed sermons on the church website or on YouTube.

Time to Celebrate and Thank God!

This is our 500th Heritage of Truth show, and we are grateful to God for His faithfulness and for all the people who have interviewed with us and watched our shows over the past ten years.

To find links for all Heritage of Truth interviews and blog posts, go to TV and Blog by Topic or TV and Blog by Guest/Author.

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