Playfulness, freedom, wonder;
Reverence, surrender, worship.
Love discovered; love fulfilled.
For God so loved,
And we respond in unspeakable joy.
I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free. (Psalms 119:32 NIV)
What Is a Worldview?
A worldview is simply the perspective from which you view life, God, meaning, morality, the world, eternity, yourself, and everything around you.
Worldview is not some cold, philosophical theory. It’s real life. It’s knowing who you are, who God is, and why He put you here.
It’s realizing how much God loves you, and yet understanding that this almighty, all-knowing, all-present God is holy and just.
It’s knowing who He is and who you are in relation to Him and to everyone else on earth.
A Clear Worldview
For a clear worldview, we must be as little children trusting our amazing, scary, wonderful Father. Open your soul to explore His power, beauty, and love.
Rekindle your childlike wonder and faith as you purposefully rediscover all He has made and done.
Suddenly, you will catch glimpses of God’s glory through His creation.
Your first response may be fear or awe. Like Moses, you may realize that you stand on holy ground. Take off your shoes in reverence.
Perfect Love Casts Out Fear
Then wiggle your toes, for “perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18 NAS). Perfect Love inspires both worship and intimate friendship.
If you know God through Jesus, then worship with all that is in you. Allow yourself to savor the freedom and joy you have in Christ.
If you don’t know Jesus, “now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). Discover what the Bible says about salvation, and then act on it.
We Stand on Holy Ground
A proper, biblical worldview sees everything through the lens of the revealed Word of God in Scripture.
Choose to find your fulfillment in the only true freedom—submission and obedience to your heavenly Father’s will.
Then enjoy the journey. Relish the delights of running barefoot on holy ground.