St. Patrick and Sharing the Gospel

Gospel ABCs

St. Patrick and Sharing the Gospel

By Jeanne Dennis

Even Patrick Felt Inadequate!

Yesterday I read St. Patrick’s Confession, written in the 5th Century. Patrick’s knowledge of Scripture impressed me as he quoted passage after passage and applied it to his life and ministry.

At the direction of the Holy Spirit, Patrick returned to the land where he had been enslaved at the age of 16. His obedience resulted in the conversion of most of Ireland to  faith in Jesus Christ.

Yet even Patrick said he felt uneducated and inadequate as he shared his Christian faith. Doesn’t that sound like most of us today?

We know about the Great Commission, where Jesus instructed us to go into all the world to preach the gospel and make disciples (Matt. 28:18–20). Yet most of us have difficulty sharing our faith at home with friends, family, and even our own children.

“We Should Tell Them!”

For many years I excused myself from sharing the gospel because I didn’t know how. But one day I explained to my little daughter that not all people believe Jesus is the Son of God.

I told her they don’t understand that He came to save everyone from sin.

Her automatic response was, “Then we should tell them!”

Exactly! Her words shamed me, because I didn’t have her courage. Although it’s still difficult, I’m doing better now because I know how.

Gospel ABCs

If you struggle or don’t know how to explain the gospel, perhaps I can help you. I’ve created an e-book, Gospel ABCs, that will help you explain the gospel in a fun and easy way using the ABCs.

If you sign up to receive our updates, you can download the e-book free.

You Can Too

So many signs indicate we are in the last days. The time is growing short. People are dying without Christ every day.

Like Patrick, we need to obey the Great Commission and tell everyone that Jesus can save them.

All people need to know they can be free from guilt. That they can have God’s power to overcome whatever life throws at them. That Jesus offers eternal life in heaven instead of eternal misery in hell.

Now you have a simple way to tell them. And it’s as easy as ABC.

© Jeanne Gowen Dennis

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