Here at Heritage of Truth, we believe in marriage for life, and we know that when we allow Jesus to be Lord, both our lives and our marriages will be richer and more fulfilling.
Even if you have no one to celebrate with today, may your day be filled with the Love of Jesus, the One who gave His all for you . . . because God SO loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). His is the love that truly lasts forever.
Jeanne Dennis
My guest blogger for Valentine’s Day is Poppy Smith.
Five Free Valentine Gifts He’ll Love
By Poppy Smith (Guest Blogger)
Five FREE Valentine Gifts He’ll Love
Does your marriage need some loving, tender care at Valentine’s? Thinking about some special gift just for him? Forget the new jeans, T-shirts, sweaters and even the latest smart phone. Here are five FREE gifts your husband will appreciate above everything else.
1. Acceptance: Recognize that you didn’t marry your best girlfriend, someone ready and willing to listen as you pour out deep feelings—over and over again. Accept that he has no desire to be a substitute girl friend. He doesn’t know what to do, or what you want from him. Show you love him for who he is: a human being who is not your mirror image.
2. Understanding: He doesn’t understand your emotional intensity because he’s not a woman. Hurling hurtful words when he doesn’t say what you want to hear, or do what any reasonable person should do on seeing your distress, only sends him back into his cave. Believe he loves you, and let him express it in a way that fits who he is.
3. Support: He might not always make the best decisions or ones you agree with, but you can still be supportive. When he messes up, tell him you care about him and focus on the things he does well rather than his failings. Speak gently, using words that soothe the situation rather than inflame it. Then work together on a solution.
4. Forgiveness: Release those hurts and offenses that happen in a relationship. Stewing over what he said, how he said it, when he said it, and what he really meant by it only sours your system. He’s human—just like you. Make a decision to move beyond what caused your negative feelings. Give him a free pass and a big snuggly hug.
5. Availability: Drop your to-do list. Put aside your plans. Tell him you’re available to do whatever he wants on Valentine’s Day (and beyond, if you’re feeling especially loving). Instead of forcing him into your pre-determined schedule, free yourself up to have fun together.
Marriage is a growing place. If yours has challenges, you’re not alone. Almost every marriage has struggles. But you get to choose how to respond to them. Valentine’s Day is an opportunity for both of you to strengthen your relationship. What better gifts can you give than acceptance, understanding, support, forgiveness, and availability? Wrap them in love and watch the joy flow.
About Poppy Smith
With her fun personality and passion for communicating life-changing truths, British-born Poppy Smith inspires audiences around the world to thrive spiritually, personally and relationally. She is a former Bible Study Fellowship Teacher, has a Masters in Spiritual Formation, and is the author of several books and Bible studies that help readers live successful and fulfilling lives. To contact Poppy, write to, or visit her website:
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