Pam Farrel discusses how Bible study helped her discover and define both joy and hope and apply them to her own life circumstances. A regular guest on Heritage of Truth, Pam shares insights with host Jeanne Dennis that she discovered while co-authoring a Bible study on Philippians and one on Psalms. Her co-authored Bible studies are Discovering Joy in Philippians, Discovering Hope in the Psalms, and her latest, Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament. Her co-authors are Jean E. Jones and Karla Dornacher.
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You can purchase these Bible studies though our affiliate links:
Discovering Joy in Philippians: A Creative Bible Study Experience By Pam Farrel, Jean E. Jones & Karla Dornacher / Harvest House Publishers |
Discovering Hope in the Psalms: A Creative Bible Study Experience By Pam Farrel, Jean E. Jones & Karla Dornacher / Harvest House Publishers |
Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament: A Creative Devotional Study Experience By Pam Farrel, Jean E. Jones & Karla Dornacher / Harvest House Publishers |
To see our other interviews with Pam Farrel, use the following links: Short Takes: Couples Mentoring Couples, Bill and Pam Farrel: How to Be Love-Wise in Relationships, The Secret Language of Successful Couples, Helping Kids Stay Pure in Body, Soul, and Spirit
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