Harry T. Burleigh: a Legacy Worth Remembering

Harry T. Burleigh a Legacy Worth Remembering with Craig von Buseck, Heritage of Truth, JeanneDennis.com

Author Criag von Buseck returns to Heritage of Truth to remind the world of an African American legacy, Harry T. Burleigh. If not for Burleigh, most of the Negro spirituals would have been lost and a uniquely American form of music would not now exist.

David Teems calls Burleigh “a pioneering spirit, one of those rare musical types that gave the soul of this nation its voice.” Buseck’s book about Burleigh, Nobody Knows, has received stunning reviews. Jerry B. Jenkins called the book Buseck’s “magnum opus.”

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Comments · 2

  1. It is a very inspiring and very important book of the music history and sience. These Spirituals are known on the entire world. This book are going to be published next year in Hungary too. I look forward its publishing..
    Karpule from Hungary

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