Hope for Suicide Victims and Survivors

Hope for Victims and Survivors of Suicide with Susan Osborn, Heritage of Truth, JeanneDennis.com

Hope for suicide victims and survivors seems hard to find, but our guest, Susan Titus Osborn, offers just that. She discusses tips for coming alongside those who have lost loved ones and friends to suicide as well as warning signs to watch for that might help you recognize that someone is suicidal. During this shortened video of her original interview with Patty Webb, Susan introduces her book Too Soon to Say Goodbye: Help and Hope for Victims and Survivors of Suicide. This interview portion is part of our Short Takes series of videos. You can watch the full interview with Susan Titus Osborn here.

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You can buy Susan’s book through our Christianbook.com affiliate link.

692435: Too Soon to Say Goodbye: Healing and Hope for Victims and Survivors of Suicide Too Soon to Say Goodbye: Healing and Hope for Victims and Survivors of Suicide
By Susan Titus Osborn, Karen L. Kosman & Jeenie Gordon / New Hope PublishersWritten by three authors whose lives have been touched by suicide, this book offers readers – families and friends grieving the loss of a loved one to suicide, as well as those contemplating suicide – insights, renewal, and Scripture that bring courage and faith.
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