Counter Culture Mom on Pop Culture Influences

Counter Culture Mom on Pop Culture Influences with Tina Griffin, Heritage of Truth,

Counterculture Mom Tina Griffin keeps parents informed about pop culture and the media’s influence on kids.

In this interview, Tina discusses a recent trip to Israel and updates Heritage of Truth host Jeanne Dennis on her ministry and her new show, The Counter Culture Mom Show.

Tina also offers a parent media guide (text the word GUIDE to the number 55444) and the Counter Culture Mom app.

Tina also just released a SUMMER SURVIVAL PACK for parents you can find at her store:

What are you doing to help your kids navigate the culture and still hold onto faith? Please share in the comments section below.

To find links for all Heritage of Truth interviews and blog posts, go to TV and Blog by Topic or TV and Blog by Guest/Author.

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