Be you, where you are, and meet God there. This is the message of Kerri Pomarolli, author, actress, speaker, movie writer, clean comedian, and single mom living in Hollywood.
Kerri calls herself the Proverbs 32 woman, because she knows she can’t live up to the example of the Proverbs 31 woman. God’s grace helps her to be herself and do what He made her to do.
Living in Hollywood offers challenges to her that other Christians might not face. But Kerri says living as a Christian in this culture is hard anywhere.
She offers insights on parenting children in our current culture and the importance of integrity in our own media consumption.
This is an interesting interview that will challenge and encourage you.
Is it hard for you to be yourself, live where you are and meet God there? Have you experienced God’s grace on the journey? Feel free to share in the comments section below.
Click the link below if you would like to purchase Kerri’s books using our affiliate link. It will cost you no more.
Books by Kerri Pomarolli
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