What Christmas Means Crossword Puzzle

What Christmas Means Crossword Puzzle

by Jeanne Dennis, Heritage of Truth

What Christmas Means Crossword Puzzle by Jeanne Dennis

What Christmas Means Crossword Puzzle


  1. Jesus came to die and pay for people’s ________.
  2. The king who wanted to kill the young Jesus (Matt. 2:16)
  3. The angel who told Mary she would have a child (Luke 1:26)
  4. Jesus is really and _____ God in the flesh (John 1:14; 1 Tim. 3:16, Col. 2:9).
  5. The first people to be told that Jesus had been born (Luke 2:8–12)
  6. Jesus’ real Father
  7. The big word that describes the miracle of God becoming man (based on John 1:14)
  8. What some churches ring on Christmas Day.
  9. Jesus’ mother’s name
  10. The kind and faithful Moabite woman who was Jesus’ ancestor (Matt. 1:5; Ruth 4:15–17)
  11. The word we use to end our prayers, meaning “so be it” or saying we agree it is true.
  12. The book in the Bible that describes the coming of the Magi
  13. Something we decorate with that reminds us of one of the ways Jesus described Himself (John 8:12)
  14. The first great king that Jesus descended from (Matt. 21:9)
  15. Baby Jesus’s cradle (Luke 2:7)
  16. O come let us _____ Him!


  1. The woman who was Jesus’ ancestor and helped the Israelites spies when they entered the Promised Land (Matt. 1:5; Josh. 2:1)
  2. The town the prophet Micah referred to about the coming Messiah (Mic. 5:2)
  3. Another name for Magi (two words) (Matt. 2:1-9)
  4. This name means “God saves” or “Yahweh is salvation.” (Matt. 1:21)
  5. Who caused Mary to become pregnant with God’s Son? (Luke 1:35)
  6. The man who raised Jesus as his own son (Matt. 1:20)
  7. Does the first, second, third, or fourth Gospel describe the night of Jesus’ birth?
  8. What we must never allow our Christmas gifts or wishes to become for us (1 John 5:21)
  9. This word means “God with us.” (Isa. 7:14; Matt. 1:22–23) (Begin with “I.” It can also be spelled beginning with “e.”)
  10. Another word for Messiah (It’s the Greek word, and it’s not Jesus’ last name.) (John 1:41).
  11. The word for the four weeks leading up to Christmas Day that means “coming” or “arrival”
  12. The town where the angel visited Mary and where Jesus grew up (Matt. 1:26; Matt. 2:19–23)
  13. Where Jesus was taken to protect him from the king who wanted to kill Him (Matt. 2:13–14)
  14. Another word for amazement or wonder that people should feel towards God.
  15. The time of day when the angel came to announce Jesus’ birth (Luke 2:8)
  16. The Son of God took on _________ flesh.
  17. Jesus is the _______ of the world (Luke 2:11).

© Jeanne Dennis 2024

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