Panorama Eggs Recipe

Panorama Eggs Recipe, Heritage of Truth,

Panorama Eggs Recipe

By Patricia Webb

Patty Webb gives instructions here for making panorama eggs.

All the sample eggs on this page, except the top image, were decorated by children.

So be encouraged. You can do it, too!

To watch Patty’s video instructions and hear her commentary about the death and resurrection of Jesus, watch Part 1 video instruction and Part 2 video instructions.

Royal Icing

Dries candy-hard, ideal for flowers and decorations made ahead of time. Not recommended for icing cakes.

3 Tbsp. Wilton Meringue Powder

1 lb. sifted confectioners sugar

6 Tbsp. warm water*

Beat all ingredients until icing forms peaks (7-10 minutes at low speed with a heavy duty mixer, 10-12 minutes at high speed with a hand-held mixer).

Makes 3 Cups.

*For stiffer icing, use 1 Tablespoon less water.

Sugar Molding for Panorama Eggs

1 cup granulated sugarDecorated egg

1 tsp. meringue powder

1 tsp. water

Mix up enough of the sugar mixture to fill each half of the egg mold completely. Sugar scooped out of the egg after the “shell” has dried can be reused.  I usually start with 4 Cups of sugar for a five-inch egg.

  1. Mix sugar, meringue powder and water together until it feels like wet sand. The mixture should hold together when squeezed in the palm of the hand.
  2. Pack sugar mixture into egg mold and level with the flat side of a knife.
  3. Turn upside down on a flat surface and remove mold.
  4. Let the molded sugar dry overnight or until the sugar is dry about ¼-inch deep into the mold.
  5. Lift the hardened mold and hold securely. Scoop excess sugar out of the egg using a teaspoon.
  6. Leave sugar about ¼-inch thick to form the shell of the sugar egg. Let dry overnight.
  7. Color portions of the Royal Icing for decorating. Divide icing into small amounts to add coloring. Color with Wilton paste colors. Do not use liquid coloring. Watch for a demonstration of how to add coloring to icing in one of our upcoming shows.
  8. Use Royal Icing to decorate inside of the lower half of the egg, to hold any decorations you want to add,  and to attach the top half of the egg to the lower half. Let dry overnight.
  9. Use Royal Icing to decorate the top and sides of the egg. Let dry overnight.
  10. Set on a shelf and enjoy for years!!

The decorating tips Patty used in the video:

Panorama eggGreen leaf #67
White borders #17
Blue flower #129
Purple star #30
Pink star #16
Yellow center #3

Now celebrate the wonderful news that Christ is Risen, and we can live forever in heaven if we know Him as Lord and Savior!

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