Mall Sightings: Looking for Christmas Symbols While You Shop
By Karen Whiting
Add mall sightings—symbols of Christmas—to your shopping list this year. The chart below gives things to look for and Bible verses to read and discuss as Christian symbols of Christmas. Take the list and see how many you can find. When you find one, check it off, and mention to shopkeepers and sales people the reason the symbol helps you feel the Christmas spirit.
- Christmas lights: Jesus is the light of the world. (John 8:12)
- Patient customers: Patience is a godly virtue. (1 Corinthians 13:4)
- Money/toys drives for the needy: God wants us to be generous. (Matthew 25:35-40)
- Christmas trees: We are part of God’s family tree. (Hosea 14:8b)
- Nativity set: Jesus, God in flesh, came to us. (Luke 2:1-7)
- Candy canes (shepherds’ staffs): Shepherds worshipped Jesus. (Luke 2:8-20 and John 10:11)
- People expressing thanks: God wants us to be thankful. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
- People giving to the needy: Giving is the Christmas spirit. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
- Someone helping another person: Jesus wants us to serve others. (John 13:34)
- Star decoration: The Wise Men followed a star. (Matthew 2:9)
- People from many nationalities: Jesus came to save everyone. (John 3:16)
- Wreath-circle of greens: God’s love is like a circle—eternal. (1 John 4:7-8)
- Angels: Angels are God’s messengers. (Luke 2:9-12)
- Dove: A dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 3:16)
- Sheep: We are God’s sheep. (Luke 2:8)
- Snowflakes: God washes our sins white as snow. (Isaiah 1:18)
- Crown: Jesus is our king. (Matthew 2:2)
- Gold, incense, or myrrh: The Wise Men gave Jesus gifts. (Matthew 2:11)
- People at peace: God brings peace to believers. (Luke 2:14)
- Carolers: Singing praises God. (Isaiah 30:29)
- A Bible: The Bible is God’s Word. (John 1:1,14)

Add to Your Adventure
Take photos of the signs of Christmas that you see. Make a photo display as a reminder that God’s Christmas spirit CAN be found at the mall!
Pass out paper to friends or family shopping with you so that they can write about their favorite sightings.
When you get home, sit by the nativity scene and talk about what you saw.
Want to read a story about a family who almost didn’t have a Christmas? Click here to read “A Crow’s-Foot Christmas.”
Click here to read a devotional about faith.
© Karen H. Whiting
Original photo of child (modified) by Kristine Kisky